Hey Atlanta - we’re here to help you vote!

If you arrived here via QR code, you’ve come to the right place. We have distinct pages dedicated to whether you are voting by mail or voting in-person. Scroll down to get started!


Let’s get started! Select the method you’ve chosen to cast your vote in the Georgia elections.


Show up to the polls (or your mail box) prepared.

Read our Ballot Breakdown to understand the importance of every race and question that’s up for election. We’ll explain how each federal and county-level position impacts your every day life and where to find our more about the candidates so that you can make your own informed decision.

Have questions?

Not sure whether you should vote by mail or vote in person? Have you recently moved and have questions about updating your voter registration details? You can find the answers to these questions and more in our Voter FAQs by clicking on the button below! If you have a question that we haven’t covered, shoot us an email at questions@georgia55.org.


If you found our resources useful, consider donating to us! We are four millennial womxn organizers that operate the Georgia 55 Project in our spare time. 100% of your donation goes to voting materials and supplies for line-warming efforts. Click to donate on Venmo below or find us on CashApp ($georgia55project) or PayPal at paypal.me/georgia55project.